DualShock 4 Controller mit qualitativen Problemen

dualshock4-move-ledsDerzeit verdichten sich die Hinweise auf Qualitative Probleme bei den Sticks des DualShock 4 Controllers. Das Plastik auf den Sticks soll sich laut einigen Usern sehr stark und schnell abnutzen. Zur Veranschaulichung der Abnützung wurde mittlerweile ein erstes Foto veröffentlicht, in dem man den abgenutzten Gummi recht gut erkennen kann.


„I won’t mention my previous job (I was a DM there, and more… cough above regional cough) But I still get the corporate emails even though I quit a while back.
There have been a few cases of this reported. The only reply that was worthwhile was from refurbishments department and it goes:
„Tell people to not press so hard, or that is what my Sony rep tells me“
to which was replied „That is stupid, it is meant to be beat on“
then the final reply „Just return them, maybe it is a fluke?!, 100+ cases of this happening, 100k controllers delivered, seems as though its not a worry“
They sort of ignored the fact that the ps4 is not out, and most folks are not even touching their controllers yet.
But I sort of agree, only for one reason below.
I do other game related work. For over 45 days I have used the ps4 controller and X1 controller (for 10 days) exclusively, nothing has ‚gone wrong‘ yet. But I must admit I do prefer the X1 controller. Maybe 250 hours on them at this point. Not so much as any trouble.“


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