Assassin’s Creed Unity Patch entfernt Companion-App Zwang

Ubisoft ist derzeit noch immer damit beschäftigt, die letzten Fehler in Assassin’s Creed Unity auszubügeln. Aktuell veröffentlichte das Unternehmen den mittlerweile fünften Patch der neben Bugs auch den Companion-App Zwang entfernt. Bislang musste man die Companion-App nutzen um alle Truhen im Spiel öffnen zu können.

Stability & performance
Fixed numerous random crashes both on Campaign and Coop

Save game & Progression
Fixed gear and outfit rewards getting relocked
Added users profile corrector to resolve companion synchronization issues
Made Initiate and companion app exclusive content accessible to all players
Fixed the ‘Find Leon’ objective not spawning on Dead Kings Memory 2

Online matchmaking, connectivity & replication
Fixed various matchmaking and connection issues both in matches and when starting a match.
Fixed various replication issues between host and clients
Fixed issues with the My Club feature

Gameplay (navigation, fight, stealth)
Fixed issue with Arno losing control after trying to launch Initiates from the pause menu
Fixed minor navigation issues

Menus and HUD
Fixed issues occurring when hacking gears
Fixed additional issues with notifications

World & 3D
Fixed some minor FX and texture issues

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