Hohokum: Neuer Trailer und Q&A

hohokumAuf dem offiziellen PlayStation Blog findet sich derzeit ein neuer Trailer zu dem doch recht ausgefallenen Indie-Titel Hohokum Fun Fair der uns noch in diesem Jahr erreichen wird. Passend zum neuesten Trailer veröffentlichte Sony auch ein Interview in dem die Entwickler über die Entstehung des Titels sprechen.

Your style of music suits Hohokum perfectly – as well as the bespoke track, we’ve used some pieces from past albums in other places: was your composition approach different for the piece you made especially for the game?

SH: I had written the song as I normally would but I revisited it for the purposes of the game. The idea was that the tracks and layers would build as the player explored the different areas of a level so the arrangement had to be approached in a non-linear way.
The pieces you made have a strong audio design sensibility to them – it feels like you’re simultaneously trying to score the mood of the places, but also give a sense of the sounds of them: is this something you do with your own work, or that you’ve tuned into for this project?

BB: The audio design component is an approach I’ve used many times over the years, usually for commercial compositions. Incorporating sounds (some more abstract than others) that might occur in the visual helps me generate music that better cooperates with what appears onscreen.

Zum kompletten Interview

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