Batman Arkham Knight: Regen über Gotham City

Geht man nach aktuellen Angaben von Day Ginn, seines Zeichens Producer von Batman Arkham Knight, wird es in Gotham City diesmal durchgehend regnen und wie gewohnt immer Nacht sein. Damit möchte man eine recht düstere Atmosphäre für den Spieler schaffen.

„Gotham City has got a very specific atmosphere and we spent a lot of time on making sure that’s right. It’s not just one thing, it’s a combination of the atmospherics of light and reflections, it’s always raining, it’s always night time, making sure that the echoes through the street, they sound right.

„As you’re moving through the city, [you’ll notice] that style of architecture changes but it all needs to feel like it’s still part of the same continuous city. It’s a really difficult challenge.

„The story of Batman: Arkham Knight really picks up 12 months after the death of Joker in Arkham City, so Joker’s death has left this vacuum and the Scarecrow has returned to really take control of that and deliver the vengeance that he has been planning since Batman took him down in Arkham Asylum.

„Scarecrow is really unifying the rogue gallery and the intention of that unified threat is to destroy the Batman once and for all,“

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