Octodad Dadliest Catch bekommt kostenlosen Content nachgereicht

Der Indie-Titel Octodad bekommt am 14. Oktober kostenlosen Content Nachschub. Die neuen Inhalte werden automatisch an alle Käufer des Titels per Patch übermittelt.

It’s finally time… time for two brand spakin’ new levels of Octodad: Dadliest Catch; the Shorts! After the great response Octodad received from y’all, we wanted to give back a little in thanks for your support. Everyone who currently owns Octodad: Dadliest Catch as well as anyone who grabs a copy in the future will get these levels FREE through the new v1.03 patch. The patch will download its way onto your PS4 on Octodad 14th.


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