Die ersten Reviews zu Activision’s neuestem Call of Duty-Ableger wurden aktuell veröffentlicht. Auf Metacritic hält Call of Duty Advanced Warfare dabei derzeit eine durchschnittliche Wertung von 82 Punkten. Besonders hervorgehoben wurde oftmals der Multiplayer-Modus der aufgrund der Neuerungen scheinbar wieder frischen Wind in das alte Spielkonzept bringt.
Giant Bomb – 80
As someone who has been drifting further and further away from Call of Duty for the past few years, I can certainly say that Advanced Warfare’s mobility kept me interested much longer than Ghosts or Black Ops II has. It’s the best multiplayer the game has seen in some time and the whole thing totals up to a satisfying, if familiar experience.
Based on the know-how of Dead Space’s Sledgehammer Games, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is simply the best game of the IP thanks to a 4-star cast, and well scenarised solo. Add to the mix the best multiplayer we’ve seen in a long time, with a Modern Warfare 3 inspired co-op and a nervous versus, and you’ve got the best Call of Duty game we’ve seen in years.
GameSpot – 80
The huge change in player mobility is less of a paradigm shift and more of an overdue retooling for an 11-year-old FPS franchise, especially in a year of mobility-focused shooters. Yet for all its predictability, Advanced Warfare is a deluge of action-film bravado, and it’s difficult to not be carried away by its tidal forces.