Dragon Age Inquisition noch heute mit einem großen Patch

Electronic Arts wird laut eigenen Angaben noch heute einen neuen Patch zu Dragon Age Inquisition veröffentlichen. Der neue Patch soll sich um einige Probleme im fertigen Spiel, wie z.B. asynchrone Gespräche beheben. Auf dem offiziellen Blog zu BioWares Dragon Age Inquisition findet sich derzeit eine erste Changelog.


Priority 1 – Patches

We’re committed to providing long-term gameplay and stability improvements. We have already released a Day 1 Patch, and in December we will release our second patch. We expect the patch to roll out on PC, PS3, PS4, and Xbox 360 on December 9, 2014. We are working hard to get Patch 2 out on Xbox One as soon as possible.

Patch 2 is focused on stability, but does include numerous improvements and fixes across the board. Full patch notes will be available soon, but generally Patch 2 includes fixes to:

  • Stability– Various crashes, freezes, audio/voice glitches, and many stability improvements.
  • Gameplay– Conversations, quests, plot states, combat, UI, camera, controls, follower/enemy AI and path finding, exploits, radar, and search.
  • Multiplayer– In addition to some of the gameplay improvements listed above, multiplayer fixes also cover areas such as animations, game mode bugs, stat reporting, and stability/crash fixes.
  • PC– Numerous control & UI fixes, fixes to some hitching, improved Mantle performance, graphical glitches.

Beyond Patch 2 we’ll continue to release patches that focus on gameplay improvements. We’ve already lined up a number of improvements and fixes we’d like to include in Patch 3, and of course we’ll continue listening to you to make sure we’re addressing your concerns.

I wanted to call out a few specific topics as well, as they relate to patches:

  • Keyboard & Mouse controls – Patch 2 includes the first range of fixes towards addressing the feedback we’ve received on the PC controls; it cleans things up so you’ll see fewer problems with the current layout. This gives us a more stable base upon which to work. After Patch 2 goes out, our next priority is to improve the PC mouse/keyboard controls further. We’re investigating how to expand on PC usability and functionality to address specific requests from the community. Keep an eye onthis thread by Mark Darrah for more updates.
  • Some people have reported problems with party banter firing. To find out more about how the Banter System worksplease go here. We have also identified that in some edge scenarios, banter isn’t firing as often as we’d like, so we’ll be increasing the percentage chance of it happening. This increase will come after Patch 2.

Priority 2 – Features and content

As massive as Dragon Age: Inquisition already is, there were some things the team wanted to get in at launch, but we just ran out of time. We’ll be creating these new features and content and adding them into your game over time because we love our DAI players. Multiplayer will also be receiving regular content updates.


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