Multiplayer-Match in Evolve dauert 10 bis 15 Minuten

Der kommende Kooperative Online-Shooter Evolve setzt scheinbar auf recht kurze Multiplayer-Matches. Geht man nach aktuellen Angaben der Turtle Rock Studios wird eine Multiplayer-Runde zwischen 10 und 15 Minuten dauern. Evolve wird darüber hinaus mithilfe der CryEngine 3.6 umgesetzt.

„We are lighting levels in the game using the latest from cryEngine – 3.6. We will have global light probes for the general lighting and then create local clusters of cubemaps for local high fidelity on top of lighting from other sources.

We also will be using color grading and other post-effects too.
The cover was created using an older build of 3.5 and rendered 4k x 4k.“

“ The maps vary in size, but are generally about .5 kilometers across. Average match lasts about 10-15 minutes.“

Q: „How does the spawn behavior work ? Will there be always enough wildlife to eat ? or can you deplete an area ?“

A: „A big part of the game is hunting and eating wildlife, there will always be enough food for the Monster, though it won’t always be served up on a silver platter.“

Q: „Are there backstories for the 4 hunters? Do the maps have a „chronolgical order“ to them like they did in L4D?“

A: „Yep. Every hunter has a back story. You’ll get to know the characters just by playing the game and listening to what they say. :0)“


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