Erste Reviews zu DriveClub enttäuschend

Sonys neuer Racer DriveClub sorgt derzeit scheinbar für recht unterschiedliche Reaktionen in der Fachpresse. Bei Metacritic hält der Titel derzeit eine durchschnittliche Wertung von 72 Punkten und liegt damit klar unter den Erwartungen. GameTrailers vergibt z.B. 86 Punkte und lobt speziell die Online-Komponente, Giant Bomb steht dazu im Kontrast und vergibt mit 40 Punkten die niedrigste Punktezahl und bemängelt speziell das Fahrgefühl. Die User-Wertung liegt derzeit bei 6.1 Punkten.

PlayStation Universe  – 95

„Blends the complexity of realistic simulation with inviting mechanics and gives just enough leeway to evoke heart-pumping power and intensity in every kind of racing fan.“

GameTrailers – 86

„Driveclub is a focused, thrilling racer for players looking to push themselves and compete in all new territory, working up a sweat as its captivating sights and sounds fill your senses.“

IGN – 79

„That said, the tentacles of Driveclub can grip tight if you get invested in the game’s asynchronous challenges, and it’s very much geared around encouraging us to hop online and compete by making it so easy.“

Destructoid – 75

„Driveclub is fast and easy to get into, nice to look at, and it has a lot going on in the background to keep you connected and competitive with your club members and other individuals. But that doesn’t change the issues in the foreground. Its approachable and enjoyable racing is marred by AI cars that love to unfairly bash and crash on the single-player side. And bugs with the interface and the networking kept me from fully enjoying the multiplayer side.“

Joystiq – 60

Driveclub is a well-made, sometimes irritating juxtaposition of the old and new.

Eurogamer – 60

What we’re left with is a flimsy framework – a sort of clothes horse for content – rather than a truly great racing game.

GameSpot – 50

Driveclub is ordinary menus and ordinary races, standard time trials, and a few drift events. Driveclub is bland social competition. Driveclub is the fear of risks and the embrace of the ordinary.

Giant Bomb – 40

It just isn’t much fun to play. The core act of driving a car feels off in a way that completely put me off of playing the game. Without that in place, the rest of it just falls apart. The PlayStation 4 has been without a serious racing option since launch, and Driveclub doesn’t fill that gap.

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