Schenkt man aktuellen Berichten von CNET glauben, bahnt sich derzeit wieder einmal ein großes Datenleck im PlayStation Network an. Laut dem Bericht hat es eine Hacker-Gruppe geschafft persönliche Daten aus Diensten wie dem PlayStation Network, Windows Live, dem Netzwerk von 2K und weiterer bekannter Plattformen zu entwenden. Als Beweis sollen die Hacker mittlerweile bereits Informationen zu 2.131 PSN-Accounts mit den dazugehörigen Passwörtern veröffentlicht haben.
Laut einem Sprecher der Hacker-Gemeinschaft seien 800.000 Account Daten inklusive Kreditkarten-Daten von 2K Games entwendet worden. Auch EAs Origin-Netzwerk soll um 1.7 Millionen Userdaten erleichtert worden sein.
Was genau hinter diesen Angaben steckt, bleibt vorerst abzuwarten. Wer auf Nummer sicher gehen möchte, sollte seine Passwörter auf den jeweiligen Plattformen aber schonmal ändern.
„We were advised by one of our friends over at RedHack to make adjustments in our operations.A show of force from us, would be an attack on 2K that would be very similar to our attacks on Blizzard. Like I said, DerpTrolling in no way wants to harm our children by leaking such damaging data. It’s only a warning to the companies.“
„We have 800,000 from 2K and 500,000 credit card data. In all of our raids we have a total of around 7 million usernames and passwords,“ he said. „We have around 2 million Comcast accounts, 620,000 Twitter accounts, 1.2 million credentials belonging to the CIA domain, 200,000 Windows Live accounts, 3 million Facebook, 1.7 million EA origins accounts, etc.“
„There are a lot of people and fellow hackers who believe that DerpTrolling is just a bunch of kids. But the truth is we have been associated with and assisted every well known hacking group aside from The Syrian Electronic Army and LizardSquad (although we were invited to join LizardSquad),“
„You heard about Anonymous knocking the entire .Mil domain offline? Well that was us! You hear of RedHack launching DDoS attacks against Turkey’s government? That was us as well! You heard about LulzSec knocking gaming servers and websites offline? Well that was us too! And that was us who knocked Syria’s internet offline earlier this year. DerpTrolling really has many forms, most people only see the Gaming side of us! We can be very serious hackers.“