Im Hause Naughty Dog wird derzeit bekanntlich am neuesten Abeger der Uncharted-Reihe gebastelt. Neben Uncharted 4 scheint man aber bereits weitere Projekte ins Auge gefasst zu haben. Geht es nach Naughty Dogs Evan Wells scheint vieles möglich zu sein, unter anderem auch ein The Last of Us 2, sofern man die richtigen Ideen hat.
„ If we got an idea for The Last of Us 2 and the team is excited to do it, we’ll do it. If we feel like we’ve told that story and as brains start going on what The Last of Us 2 might be, people might be, “Eh, we kind of did everything we wanted in that world.” We could churn out another one and it could be financially successful but I think what we come to find is we’re going to exceed those financial successes and gains if we’re doing something we’re passionate about. We don’t want to just keep milking that cow instead of doing something that the team is jazzed about. So we’re not going to plan out sequels five years down the road.“
Das komplette Interview gibt’s bei den Kollegen von GameCrate