Get Even erhält Project Morpheus und Oculus Rift Support

Das polnische Entwicklerstudio Farm 51 hat bestätigt, dass der kommende NextGen-Shooter Get Even mit Support für Sony’s Project Morpheus sowie Oculus Rift ausgestattet sein wird. Wojtek Pazdur, seines Zeichens CEO und Lead Designer von Get Even gab zusätzlich ein paar neue Details zum Spiel bekannt. Zusätzlich gibt es einen neuen Trailer zu bestaunen.

„In The Farm 51 we think of a video game world as an alternate reality, not that of an interactive movie. The exciting opportunities offered by Virtual Reality and developments in that sector offer a huge benefit to a game aimed to be as immersive as ours.“

„Get Even has the potential to support the VR concept like no other title. This is why we want to be a part of this new revolution and is why Get Even can be a landmark title in its use.“

„VR systems are a melody of a truly next-gen experience. We expect that consumer versions of VR devices will start revolutionizing the gaming market in 2015,“

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